Manage Side Loading and Optimize Run Times with the Hi-Rise System.
Despite significant advancements in pad drilling and well profiles, a staggering 90% of wells continue to rely on dated technology for side load management. The Hi-Rise System addresses the side loads in newly drilled wells, boosting production and outperforming traditional methods. When compared to sucker rods and rod guides, the Hi-Rise System delivers superior side load handling and enhanced production rates.
Side Loads in Deviated Wells:
In typical deviated wells, side loads can range between 300 and 900 lbs., sometimes even more. Understanding how these side loads affect the equipment used in artificial lift is essential. The side load is often concentrated on conventional rod couplings, increasing the pressure between the rod and tubing string, leading to high failure rates. Continuous rod lack of couplings allows the side load to be distributed over an increased area of contact, attributing to decreased failure rates.
Understanding the Pressure Between the Rod and Tubing String:
Determine the inclination angle and size of rod and calculate the pressure using the equations for the normal force, pressure, and contact area. For the technical paper with equations, download the pdf below.
Example: 15 degrees inclination
If we consider a well that has a spot with an inclination of 15 degrees, here is the difference in pressure between a 1" rod and tubing string when utilizing different conveyance methods:
Essentially, the side load in the continuous rod case behaves like a smaller side load since the pressure is distributed over a greater contact area. For the detailed Wolfcamp Case Study, download the pdf below.
Understanding the side loads and the effectiveness of different conveyance methods to manage them is vital for optimizing run times.